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This is our schedule of upcoming and recurring shows. For the virtual shows, the Zoom Rooms will open ~30 minutes before the show begins. Please show up at least 10 minutes ahead of time, so your host can organize you into team’s room.

At the beautiful establishments we’ve partnered with, you might want to show up to grab a table and a beer 15 minutes or so before it starts.

For all the shows, check for clues on social media or in the newsletter!

** Denotes shows that are all theme rounds (Oops, all bonus rounds!)

Our Virtual Shows:

Day Time Room Code Password Host
Depends! 541-541-1000 Trivial Elliot
Final Show (for now): 3/14/2024
7pm Pacific 365-007-1337 Trivial Clyde
(repeat of his Thursday’s trivia)
Final Show (for now): 3/17/2024
5pm Pacific 365-007-1337 Trivial Clyde

New to trivia? Check out the guide:

To stay up-to-date on the shows, the codes, and the clues!
Sign up here:

Tip Clyde!


Did you enjoy your Quality Trivia so much that you want to show that appreciation by buying your intrepid host a virtual beer or two? We’ve tried to make it easy, so choose your preferred method of payment. If money is tight, just invite some friends – word of mouth helps a lot, too.
If you played in-person and want to support your host, find them on the hosts page!

Tip Elliot!