One for the Books!
For two points apiece, name these classics that you may have read in school. If any could be more than one book, please put the more obvious (or both).
- Children are stranded on an island that devolves into chaos.
- A single mother is shamed and the father lashes himself because they’re all puritans.
- A broke Russian college dropout becomes convinced that the universe is telling him to kill a pawnbroker because that’s what great men do, so he does it, but then confesses.
- An angsty teenager is kicked out of school and rails against phonies.
- Winston works a job he hates, has an affair, and is tortured for a thoughtcrime, only to “learn” that he loves the system.
- Five sisters are pressured into finding socio-economically advantageous marriages, while the smart protagonist wants romantic happiness, too.
- A family’s history is scarred by generations of slavery, and one woman is forced to make a desperate decision that results in her needing to craft a headstone for a child.
- Four siblings are escaping the Blitz and enter a piece of furniture that takes them to another world in perpetual winter.
- A sour, solitary creature and his dog try to ruin a local town’s festivities, but when they are still happy, has a change heart and joins them.
- A young, college-educated black man struggles to survive and succeed in a racially divided society that refuses to see him as a human being.